Office of Postdoctoral Affairs

Misty Malamakal (Strain)

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

  • Professional Background


    • 2009 - B.S. in Psychology - Idaho State University
    • 2012 - M.S. in Experimental Psychology - Idaho State University
    • 2017 - Ph.D. in Neuroscience - Texas A&M University
  • Publications
    1. Grau, J. W., Baine, R. E, Bean, P. A., Davis, J. A., Fauss, G. N., Henwood, M. K., Hudson, K. E., Johnston, D. T., Tarbet, M. M., & Strain, M. M. (2020). Learning to promote recovery after spinal cord injury. Experimental Neurology.
    2. Strain, M. M., Hook, M. A., Reynolds, J. D., Huang, Y. -J., Henwood, M. K.,  & Grau, J. W. (2019). A brief period of moderate noxious stimulation induces hemorrhage and impairs locomotor recovery after spinal cord injury. Frontiers of Systems Neuroscience.
    3. Brumley, M. R., Strain, M. M., Devine, N., & Bozeman, A. L. (2019). The spinal cord, not to be forgotten: The final common path for development, training and recovery of motor function. Perspectives on Behavior Science,41, 369-393.
    4. Turtle, J. D., Henwood, M. K., Strain, M. M., Huang, Y. J., Miranda, R. C., & Grau, J. W. (2019). Engaging pain fibers after a spinal cord injury fosters hemorrhage and expands the area of secondary injury. Experimental neurology, 311, 115-124.
    5. Turtle, J. D., Strain, M. M., Reynolds, J., Huang, Y. -J., Lee, K., Henwood, M. K., Garraway, S., & Grau, J. W. (2018). Pain input after spinal cord injury (SCI) undermines long-term recovery and engages signal pathways that promote cell death. Frontiers in systems neuroscience, 12, 27.
    6. Turtle, J. D., Strain, M. M., Aceves, M., Huang, Y-. J., Reynolds, J. A., Hook, M. A., & Grau. J. W. (2016).  Pain input impairs recovery after spinal cord injury: Treatment with lidocaine. J Neurotrauma, 34, 1200-1208.
    7. Grau, J. W., Huang, Y. -J., Turtle, J. D., Strain, M. M., Miranda, R. M., Garraway, S. M., & Hook, M. A. (2016). When pain hurts: Uncontrollable nociceptive stimulation induces a state of maladaptive plasticity that enhances pain and impairs recovery after spinal cord injury. J Neurotrauma.
    8. Lee, K. H., Turtle, J.D., Strain, M. M., Huang, Y-. J., Baumbauer, K. M., & Grau, J. W. (2015). Learning about time within the spinal cord: Evidence spinal neurons abstract and store an index of regularity. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 9, 1-12.
    9. Strain, M. M., & Brumley, M. R. (2014). Range of motion (ROM) restriction influences quipazine-induced limb activity in postnatal day one and day ten rats. Behavioral Brain Research, 273, 365-381.
    10. Grau, J. W., Huie, J. R., Lee, K. H., Hoy, K. C., Huang, Y. -J, Turtle, J. D., Strain, M. M., Baumbauer, K. M., Miranda, R. M., Hook M. A., Ferguson, A. R., & Garraway, S. M. (2014). Metaplasticity and Behavior: How Training and Inflammation Affect Plastic Potential within the Spinal Cord and Recovery after Injury. Frontiers in Neural Circuits, 8, 1-23.
    11. Strain, M. M., Kauer, S. D., Kao, T. & Brumley, M. R. (2014). Inter- and intralimb adaptations to a sensory perturbation during activation of the serotonin system after a low spinal cord transection in neonatal rats. Frontiers in Neural Circuits, 8(80), 1-13. doi: 10.3389/fncir.2014.00080
    12. Strain, M. M., Roberto, M. E., Vineyard, M. A., & Brumley, M. R. (2014). Effectiveness of topical anesthetics on reducing tactile sensitivity in the paws of newborn rats. Developmental Psychobiology, 56, 126-132.
    13. Brumley, M. R., Roberto, M. E., & Strain, M. M. (2012). Sensory feedback modulates quipazine-induced stepping in neonatal rats. Behavioral Brain Research, 229(1), 257-264.